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Capture & publish UI snapshots

Invoke the SDK from instrumented tests

Uploading to your UI gallery is straightforward. On your Bitmap snapshot, call our Kotlin extension function uploadToAppViewer(), passing an initialized ScreenshotRecorder, a unique state id and a descriptive subtitle that appears in your UI gallery.

onView(isRoot()).captureToBitmap().uploadToAppViewer(avRecorder, "state-id", "My subtitle")

We capture the screenshot here with the captureToBitmap() function of Espresso's core artifact, but you could do it any way you like.

Your test class might look like the following:

class MyLoginUiTest {

val activityRule = activityScenarioRule<LoginActivity>()

companion object {
private lateinit var recorder: ScreenshotRecorder

fun start() {
recorder = new ScreenshotRecorder();
recorder.init("MY-API-KEY", "MY-ACCOUNT-ID", "MY-APP-ID", BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE, BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME, "login-screen", "Login Screen");

fun finishing() {

fun testingReturning() {
val activityScenario = activityRule.scenario
activityScenario.onActivity { activity: LoginActivity ->
// mocking UI state
LoginUiModel(returningUser = true, lastUsername = "AcmeStudi0", passwordHidden = true, enableButton = false, error = null)
onView(isRoot()).captureToBitmap().uploadToAppViewer(recorder, "known-user", "Known user coming back")

//...more tests

The API key, account id and app id can be found when signed in to (click the 🔑 icon in the top nav bar).


Common best practices to avoid flakiness should be considered. Espresso for example suggests turning off system animations on the virtual or physical devices used for testing. To do this, go to Settings > Developer options, and disable

  • Window animation scale
  • Transition animation scale
  • Animator duration scale

Inject recorded test data

To avoid having to manually code the test cases (i.e. your mocked UI states), you can record them with our Live Event Monitor feature and query them in your UI tests.

Record test data

Recording your test cases can be done the same way that you'd log any events or data for the Live Event Monitor (read here how). The Live Event Monitor acts as a web-based log viewer that allows everyone using a test version to verify and debug background behavior. And when you log data that you want to incl. in your tests (e.g. UI state in a LiveData exposed from a ViewModel), you can select relevant cases as test variants and download them later during your test runs. You simply save each relevant test variant under a common group id.

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Download test data

In your instrumented tests use our SDK to query the test cases by the group id defined above:

    val variants: List<TestDataFetcher.TestVariant> = recorder.fetchTestVariants("login-ui-model")

Deserialize test data

You might note that the TestVariant holds the test data in its' variant attribute as a single String. While a simple String might be sufficient in some cases, most of the time this will be a serialized object (that you serialized before logging for the Live Event Monitor). In those cases you will need to deserialize the data here first before using it in your test.

You can do this whatever way you prefer. With Kotlin the simplest way is to use the kotlinx.serialization library. Check the Live Event Monitor) for a serialization example. Deserialization would work like this:

val testCase: MyTestObject = Json.decodeFromString(testVariant.variant)

Inject test data with JUnitParams

It is up to you how you want to integrate the test data. But one suggestion is to use the JUnitParams library that allows to dynamically set test cases at run time. Note that you'd have to integrate this dependency yourself.

class MyLoginUiTest {
... // check above

@Parameters(method = "parametersToTestAdd") // test will run for each test case in the array returned by the method parametersToTestAdd
fun testUiModel(model: String, id: String, label: String, metaFields: Map<String, Any>?) {
val uiModel: LoginUiModel = Json.decodeFromString(model)
val activityScenario = activityRule.scenario
activityScenario.onActivity { activity: LoginActivity ->
onView(isRoot()).captureToBitmap().uploadToAppViewer(recorder, id, label, metaFields)

private fun parametersToTestAdd(): Array<Any> {
val variants: List<TestDataFetcher.TestVariant> = recorder.fetchTestVariants("login-ui-model")
return { testVariant -> arrayOf(testVariant.variant,, testVariant.label, testVariant.meta) }.toTypedArray()

The testVariant.meta data allows Appviewer to link the recorded test data with your captured UI scenario.